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What is CL365

CL365 is a Cloud development and infrastructure practice that is replacing costly on-premise hardware investments and workflows with next generation remote workforce solutions


End-to-end operations are accessible worldwide from any device via any web browser


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Why is CL365 unique

CL365 is unique because you are unique


Unlike Office 365 and other cloud solutions, your Private CL365 cloud aligns with your Operations


Not Theirs


Social Distance Ready


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why partner with cl365

CL365 is reinventing the Office 


Easy, Cost Effective, Light, Mobile and Fast


CL365 reduces the cost and overhead by running on anything - Chromebook, Android and IOS


The days of costly, clunky Windows laptops, Licensing, Support, Networking and PC's are gone


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how much does cl365 cost

Less than it sounds


No consulting fees 


No development fees


No servers required


No virus headaches 


No licensing cost 


Think about it


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